Monday, September 29, 2008

Societal and Environmental Changes

Mayan Calander 2012: The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas all used the same calendar that ends in our Gregorian calendar year of December 21st, 2012.This causing speculation and fear among people of an apocolips that may be coming.

Chronology of Events that are taking or have taken place in our history that show 2012 will be of great importance.

1.)The Sumerians occupied ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq). They were the 1st civilization to document their lives, their beliefs and facts about their civilization. From them, the Hebrews, Hopi Indians, Greeks, Romans and other civilizations have also recorded historical information that we have today as proof that they indeed lived and survived Nibiru's last visits.
2.)Nostradamus, who lived in the 15th century Europe, had prophetic “visions” that he left for all to read about and heed in the years extending after his death. Many of those predictions have already come true, some still need to occur.
3.)The last time that Nibiru visited our solar system was in the year or years around 1588 BC.
4.)The Earth’s magnetic poles are currently shifting. The North Pole is moving toward Siberia. As these poles shift, the weather systems of the earth also change. There has been unusual weather around the world in the last 20 or so years. The closer Nibiru and its Brown Dwarf / Dark Star gets closer to our solar system, the more their magnetic flux affects the orbits, axis and trajectories of the planets in our system.
5.)The oceans of the earth depend upon the magnetic flux of the earth for their movements. The great currents that move water around under the ocean are beginning to stop, meaning that the ocean water will soon become heated and stagnant, possibly unable to support life.
6.)The Polar ice caps are melting, not due to “global warming” as claimed by global warming activists, but due to the earth’s magnetic poles shifting. As this shift occurs, we are seeing large sections of ice sheets break off at both poles. The earth will change its tilt and its axis will realign once the pole shift completes. Desert regions may now become plush gardens and vice versa.
7.)The Vatican has built two earth based telescopes (Vulcan and Vatt) and is currently about launch their own space based telescope so they can view Nibiru as it approaches. SETI, NASA and several other space organizations around the world have been monitoring Nibiru’s travel via telescopes in Antarctica.
8.)Bible Scripture describes a war in the latter days in the middle east. One that we are involved in. Something will happen that will cause the flesh to melt off the bones and the eyes out of the sockets. This could be a nuclear bomb, a neutron bomb or an impact from an asteroid that could cause this.
9.)The Catholic church is only supposed to have 1 more POPE before 2012. That POPE will admit that they have been misleading the church for hundreds of years causing a renewal to occur in the Catholic Faith.
10.)NASA has named Nibiru (Sedna or Eris) and have left out most details about how it is entering our solar system, where it is entering and that it is part of another Brown Dwarf / Dark Star that is nearing our solar system on the galactic alignment that will occur in December 2012.
11.)It is believed that the coastal areas of the United States will take most of the harsh effects of Nibiru's passing. As Earthquakes increase, there will be parts of the US land mass that succumb to the forces and pressures of the geological changes, lessening our available land mass and giving us new coastal areas.
12.)In January and February 2008, someone working at the SPT (South Pole Telescope) site in the Antarctica, stole telescope photographs of Nibiru as it began passing through our solar system. The photos were given to someone in Switzerland who then posted them in videos on YouTube. This has worried government handlers because now the "cat is out of the bag" on US Intelligence information.

5 Possible Natural Disasters Headed for the United States by the time of 2012

1.) 40-Mile-Long Mudslide, Washington State: west face of Mount Rainier landslides. U.S. Geological Surveys Cascade Volcano Observatory.
2.)80-Feet-High Tsunami, Atlantic Coast; Cumbre Vieja, the most active volcano in the Canary Islands, lurches as a violent earthquake wracks its upper slopes. A third of the mountain breaks away and plunges into the Atlantic Ocean, pushing up a dome of water nearly 3000 ft. high.
3.) Massive Earthquake alone ancient rift zones
4.)195-MPH Hurricane, Florida
5.) Climate-Change Ocean Disruption, North Atlantic Sea Change:as the climate warms disproportionately at the poles, the gears of the system begin to wobble. Freshwater runoff from Greenland's ice cap and from melting glaciers across the Arctic, combined with increased precipitation, could form a thick, buoyant cap over the North Atlantic.

Space Findings - 1998

January 6 - The Lunar Prospector spacecraft is launched into orbit around the Moon, and later finds evidence for frozen water, in soil in permanently shadowed craters near the Moon's poles.
January 8 - Cosmologists announce that the universe's expansion rate is increasing.
March 2 - Data sent from the Galileo probe indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice.
March 5 - NASA announces that the Clementine probe orbiting the Moon has found enough water in polar craters to support a human colony and rocket fueling station.
July 5 - Japan launches a probe to Mars, joining the United States and Russia as an outer space-exploring nation.

Natural Disasters - 1998

February 4 - An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale in northeast Afghanistan kills more than 5,000 people.
March 14 - An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale hits southeastern Iran.
March 29 - A series of 3 tornadoes in southern Minnesota kills 3 people.
April 8 - Birmingham Tornado of April 1998: An F5 tornado strikes the western portion of the Birmingham, Alabama area, killing 32.
April 16 - An F3 tornado passes through downtown Nashville, Tennessee - the first significant tornado in 11 years to directly hit a major city. An F5 tornado travels through rural portions south of Nashville (see 1998 Nashville tornado outbreak).
April 25 - A waste reservoir at the Los Frailes mine in Andalusia, Spain ruptures, discharging heavy metal waste into the Guadiamar River. The pollution threatens the sensitive ecosystem and endangered species of DoƱana National Park, Spain's largest nature reserve, but is diverted into the Guadalquivir River. Up to 100 km² of farmland are ruined by the spill.
May 30 - A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits northern Afghanistan, killing up to 5,000.
July - The Yangtze River experiences massive flooding as the government of the People's Republic of China sends in the Army for flood relief efforts.
July 17 - A tsunami triggered by an undersea earthquake destroys 10 villages in Papua New Guinea, killing an estimated 1,500, leaving 2,000 more unaccounted for and thousands more homeless.
August 7 - Yangtze River Floods: In China the Yangtze River breaks through the main bank; before this, from August 1-5, periphery levees collapsed consecutively in Jiayu County Baizhou Bay. The death toll exceeds 12,000, with many thousands more injured.
October 17-October 18 - severe flooding takes place in south Central Texas.
October 29 - Hurricane Mitch makes landfall in Central America, killing an estimated 18,000 people.

Economic interests drive most fashion system decisions, though government interests can put limits on choices, too. Rita Kean pointed out in 1997 that consumer choice is dramatically limited by the industry as it makes many fashion and style decisions based on such matters as cost, production feasibility, government import quotas and gut – level guesses about what will sell.

Damhorst, Mary L. "Fashion as Social Process." The Meanings of Dress. Ed. Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman. New York: Fairchild Books, 2005. 406.

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