Thursday, October 9, 2008


Income of Households in the US for 1998
US Census Bureau
1st number= number (in thousands)
2nd number= value (in dollars)

All households............................ 103,874 38,885

Type of Household

Family households........................... 71,535 47,469
Married-couple families.................. 54,770 54,276
Female householder, no husband present... 12,789 24,393
Male householder, no wife present........ 3,976 39,414
Nonfamily households........................ 32,339 23,441
Female householder....................... 17,971 18,615
Male householder......................... 14,368 30,414

Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder

All races 1/.............................. 103,874 38,885
White....................................... 87,212 40,912
Non-Hispanic White........................ 78,577 42,439
Black....................................... 12,579 25,351
Asian and Pacific Islander.................. 3,308 46,637

Hispanic origin 2/.......................... 9,060 28,330

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years.............................. 5,770 23,564
25 to 34 years.............................. 18,819 40,
35 to 44 years.............................. 23,968 48,451
45 to 54 years.............................. 20,158 54,
55 to 64 years.............................. 13,571 43,167
65 years and over........................... 21,589 21,729
Nativity of the householder

Native born................................. 92,853 39,677
Foreign born................................ 11,021 32,963
Naturalized citizen....................... 4,877 41,028
Not a citizen............................. 6,143 28,278


Northeast................................... 19,877 40,634
Midwest..................................... 24,489 40,609
South....................................... 36,959 35,797
West........................................ 22,549 40,983


Inside metropolitan areas................... 83,441 40,983
Inside central cities..................... 32,144 33,151
Outside central cities.................... 51,297 46,402
Outside metropolitan areas.................. 20,433 32,022


Male........................................ 56,951 35,345
Female...................................... 38,785 25,862


All races 1/.............................. 271,743 20,120

White....................................... 223,294 21,394
Non-Hispanic White........................ 193,074 22,952
Black....................................... 35,070 12,957
Asian and Pacific Islander.................. 10,897 18,709

Hispanic origin2/........................... 31,689 11,434

U.S. Census data

Number of firms: 5,579,177
20+ 10.6%
100+ 1.7%
500+ 0.3%
Number of paid employees: 108,117,731
20+ 81.2%
100+ 63.3%
500+ 49.1%
20+ = firms with 20+ employees
100+ = firms with 100+ employees
500+ = firms with 500+ employees

The majority of people running households in 1998 were between the ages 35-44, and lived inside metropolitan areas in the South. The average earnings, for full-time, year round employees were as follows: Male: 56,951, Female: 38,785. The total number of households and the income per household increased. This means that people had more money, and with more consumers in the market demand for goods increased, which , in turn, would decrease prices. These factors allowed consumers to buy more goods, and more expensive goods.

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