Thursday, November 13, 2008

Color/Color Wheels (Autum/Winter 2008/2009)

Color/Color Wheels (Autum/Winter 2008/2009):

Street fashion, with it's vibrant colors and rhythms, are a basis for color this winter season. Raspberry reds, burgundy, cool blues, purples, and split pea are all colors that have optomistic features and faux monochromes.

Comfortable, basic flat and textured fabrics will be used for this winter's aesthetic feature. A sportier approach will be used with this season's design lines. For example, urban shapes with a look of motion or movement and flowy, boxy garments such as maxi parkas and fleece jackets are in style for winter 2008/2009.

Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous Consumption:

Thrift stores are an example of consumer's consumption and disposal of items that have gone "out of style" and are no longer lusted for. Even after an economic crisis, like 9/11/01, consumer's were encouraged to purchase items to "do their part and help our society". Although times are tough financially for some in today's society, people do still consume unnecessary items even if it may not be as many as they normally would.

Political/Economic Aftermath of 2008 Presidential Election

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Technology (2008)

Technological advances in mp3 players include build-in address books, full-color screens, the ability to play movies and download tv shows. The iPod is not a new-and-improved walkman, it has become, for most people, an extension of themselves. The typical consumer's dependence on this product has increased due to the marketing strategies employed by apple. Apple has played on this consumer dependence by adding a free forum for organizing and downloading (iTunes) and a cheap and easy cyber-place to buy most televisions shows, movies, album artwork, and music (iTunes Store). The iPod is even regarded as a good, but not the best, mp3 player on the market, but since Apple has generated such trendy accessories and forums, the consumer dependence grows and expands

Technology (2008)

Comparing technology, then versus now, it is interesting to see how fast technology progresses in becoming more user-friendly, faster, and even better looking. Technology must keep up, though, with consumer demand for newer and better products. The US consumer spends about 7 hours per month talking on a cell phone.

Cell phones were created for convenience; being able to contact someone and not a certain place means that nothing is set in stone, that appointments are "softer" than a firm plan. Although, consumers have taken the cell phone to the next level, using it as a day planner, a music player, a video game, and a text-message instant conversation. The demand from the consumer for better technology has only promoted a fast-paced and on-the-go lifestyle. The cell phone is even referred to as the "adult pacifier," because you can never leave home without it.

Consumer Info

Butler Bag and QVC

Most women on QVC review the butler bag as a great gift, especially for moms. This is a great target market because there are over 80 billion mothers in the US, 1/8 of which are single mothers. The Butler Bag is designed for the busy woman who want to look good, but also keep organized. Although the highest percentage of mothers (81%) are between the ages of 40 and 44, the average age of a woman giving birth for the first time is 25. QVC also caters to the busy woman in its approach to sales, but claims to have a wide target market audience, selling products that interest everyone from age 20 and up.

The "Generation Y" Consumer

The Generation Y consumer is one of the largest "consumption-oriented groups in history," targeted by malls and retailers for their high-spending and large numbers.
-Though they are only 7% of the population, they account for 21% of total spending
-Consumers under age 20 are spending five times more than their parents did at the same age
-Total market was $122 Billion in 200, projected to grow another $192 million by 2010
-In 2015, adult members of Gen Y will make up 34% of the population (up 7% from 2001)
-Consumed by entertainment: music, movies, TV, advertising, computer games, extreme sports, etc.
-Respond favorably to edgy and humorous communciations than be bombarded with conventional media
-Unlike parent generations, Gen Y works to live, instead of living to work

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1c. Societal/Environmental Mood

Color Trends:

Color has been proved to boost one's mood. Using certain colors when one is depressed or upset can lighten their mood and improve their lifestyle. Depending on what colors are used, one can have more energy, be happier, or calmer.

1a. Allocated Consumer Spending

Consumer Spending:

American's have cut back considerably on spending for 2008. High-end stores like Nordstrom and Tiffany and mid-level stores like Target and JC Penny are being hit and sales have drastically declined for 2008.

a. Color Trends

Color Trends:

Many colors for 2008 are based on the theory of being an independent woman and being in touch with one's femininity. Some of the forecasted summer colors for 2009 that Pantone has published in their "Colour Planner" have names such as 'Female-ism', 'Classic-ism', 'Independent-ism', 'Today-ism', 'Absurd-ism', 'Fetish-ism', and 'Surreal-ism'.

The magazine is published to give businesses and industries a look ahead at the current colors used within their environments. It is called the "Pantone Fashion + Home Color System".


Three main color pallettes for 2008 have become popular, especially in interior decorating, and are heavily influenced by the high fashion seen on the runway. Although it is a theory that no color is a bad color choice for 2008 (“Consumers’ increasing color confidence and personal style makes any color fashionable for 2008”), these pallettes have been compiled to show a spectrum of the current trends.

“Going Green” is the newest addition to the nuetral color pallette. Nuetrals are often just khaki, tan, white, and off-white, used as staple-colors for a conservative consumer. Now, though, mid-tone hues of fern, palm, pine and sage can be seen along side these staple nuetral colors to reflect an eco-conscious mindset that reflects the “going green” movement.

Black and white paint hues, along with metalic accents and high-sheen finishes, can be seen as a pallette that reflects drama and oppulance. We forecasted this trend in 1998-2000 as a way for consumers to make a bold statement, especially when coming into an economic up-turn of consumer confidence. With the election this year as well, bold statement pallettes can be seen as consumer confidence also rises.

Crewel colors are the cranberry reds, warm browns, and pumpkin oranges that make a space feel more homey. They promote a more soothing lifestyle, through color, that many people need in this fast-paced world. These colors are influenced by afghans and quilts that represent the comfort of an old-fashioned home.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quantitative Plan


1. Who Is Butler Bag? (Ashley) (11-3-2008)
Price points
Product range
Outlets where sold
Online, QVC, retail stores
Advertising campaigns
2. Consumer Data (Erica and Kristin)
Historical buying trends, by year, including:
Most common price bracket
Most common style of purse bought
Most common consumer (by age and income level) allocating money for purses
Number of purses bought by a person
Who are Butler Bag’s customers?
Income level
Age/gender range
Where they shop, in general,
Online, QVC, or retail
Why buy a Butler Bag?
QVC comment board/customer satisfaction comments
3. The Product (Lindsey and Suzanne)
Color trends
Link between forecasted color reports and macro-environment
Graph representing historical trends using:
Forecasted Pantone Reports
Allocated consumer spending
Societal/environmental mood
Style lines
Historical links between consumer spending/societal and environmental context, and:
Handbag size, shape, color, trend
Leather, pvc, or other
Extra components
Inner built-in compartment
Past trends in handbags/fashion
Butler Bag’s identifiable/common features
Zippers, buttons, patch or hidden pockets, magnets, handles (long or short), etc.