Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Social (Lindsey, Kristin)

Non-renewable recourses: Most of the energy used today comes from nonrenewable energy sources. These include Coal, oil, natural gas, and other materials derived from the fossilized remains of plants and animals. The element uranium is also a fossil fuel that was altered through the process called nuclear fission to produce heat and ultimately electricity. Non renewable recourses combines with air produce different polluting gases in to the atmosphere. These non-renewable resources get used everyday from using electricity to use computers, lights and appliances to put gasoline in cars and machines to make them run. Petroleum which is a nonrenewable resource to produce energy is used in other products such as ink, crayons, bubble gum, eyeglasses ECT. The World’s top five crude-oil producing countries are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, China and the United States. About 58% of the petroleum products and crude oil used in the United States comes from other countries.

Renewable recourses: These are resources that can be used over and over again to produce energy. This includes solar energy, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower and ocean energy. These can all be replenished and reproduced easily. Solar energy is in the form of natural sunlight that is turned to electricity and heat. Wind and geothermal are energy sources from inside the earth and biomass derives from plants. Hydropower and ocean energy use water to produce energy. (

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