Friday, September 19, 2008

Strategic Planning


How can our team capture the zeitgeist, as it relates to women’s handbags, in order to create an accurate forecast for the 2010 Butler Bag?

How can we as a team collect qualitative data by examining hidden currents?

To answer these questions, we will break down the macro environment into the following researchable categories.

The Macro Environment: past (year: 1998) and current (2008):

The Context:

- Social (Lindsey, Kristin) :
o Conserving space and materials
+ Renewable resources
· Bamboo, Solar energy, wind energy, bio diesel fuels
+ Going Green
· Organic grown and produced materials, recycling / re-using
+ Health Awarness
· Organic products, exercise, proper nutrition, active lifestyles
- Cultural (Kristin Erica):
o Tradition
+ Body Art
· Tattoos, piercings, branding, scarification
o Beliefs
+ Religious diversity
· Limitations to dress and product use
· Celebrations
o Conflict between different cultures
+ Wars
· International hostility
+ Religious Conflict
· Middle East
o Media
+ TV, Magazines, Radio, Red Carpet Events
· Elite influences the masses
- Political/Economic ( Suzanne, Ashley) :
o Economic aftermath of the presidential election
+ Conspicuous consumption
· Purchasing of unnecessary items during economic slump
o Recession vs. Growth
+ Unemployment Rates
· Fewer jobs = Less income = less buying
· More Jobs = More Income = More Buying
+ Discretionary income
· Poor economy = less spending money = less buying
· Price Points fluctuate
· Comparative shopping to save money and not give up fashion
- Societal and environmental changes (Kristin, Lindsey)
o Possible Natural Disasters
+ Myan calendar 2012
o Non-renewable resources
+ Forest Clearing
+ Petroleum
+ Clean Water

The Product:

- Color (Suzanne, Erica):
o Color wheels
+ Nordstrom’s
+ Pan Tone
+ Color Association
o Colors that influence mood
+ Red = Hunger
+ Cool Colors = calming
+ Warm color = Exciting
o Designer collections from Fashion week
+ New York vs. Paris
o Alternating dark and light
+ Seasons
+ Years
- Technology (Ashley, Erica)
o Household Products
+ Materials used for products
· Glass, Plastic, Metal, Wood
+ Color Trends
· Kitchen Aid
+ Products doubling as décor
· The “Cone” Vacuum
o Electronics
+ IPods, Laptops, Zune’s, Cell phone covers
o Motor vehicle Styles
+ Car Colors
+ Boxy vs. Round
+ Futuristic vs. classic
- Fabric/Fiber/Finish (Ashley, Lindsey)
o Raw Materials
+ Woods
· Bamboo
+ Fibers
· Organic Cotton
· Hemp
o Animal Products
+ Hides
· Leather / Fur
+ Synthetic Products
· Lowers costs for production and sales
· Reduces controversy

- Designs / Styles (Kristin)
o Influential factors
+ Furniture style lines
· Big vs. Little
+ Architecture style lines
· Patterns
· Bridges
+ Art movements
· Art Nouveau
· Modern
· Florals
+ Alternating soft and flowing lines

The End User

- Geographic (Lindsey)
o National vs. International
+ Internet accessible
+ Status of global market
o Climate
+ Styles for warmer and colder climates
- Psychographic (Erica)
o Consumer Values
+ What fashion means to different people
+ Conformity vs. individuality
- Behavioral (Suzanne)
o How and what consumers buy
+ Fashion vs. Necessity
o Consumer Patterns
+ Surveys, interviews, observations
+ Willingness to pay for product
- Demographics (Ashley, Erica)
o Age
+ What age groups are buying what?
+ How much are they spending on average?
o Gender
+ Male vs. Female spending
· Do women spend more than men?
o Income
+ Disposable Income vs. Discretionary income
· What gender/age group has the most discretionary income?
o Education
+ How does a higher education influence a consumers buying habits?
+ Does rising cost of education reduce spending for certain products?

1 comment:

Mariam said...

Well done! I see that you really thought about the process that will guide your research.

Keep up the good work!